Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life Surprises!

Isn't it a good thing we don't always know what is in store for us? I have always been a planner...and a bit of a control freak. And a worrier...and a bit more of a control freak. There were so many things I didn't know to plan for...having my Mom die suddenly when I was 11...loads of health issues for me...losing my Dad to cancer at 21. Gosh! Glad, I didn't see those things coming! My husband and I had a fairy tale wedding and moved across the country for a new job for me and new grad school for him. A few years later, we found ourselves "Back Home Again in Indiana" although it had never been my home. A fullterm stillbirth that never had a medical explanation helped create my sort of paranoia that things happen to me/us that don't happen to others. Sure enough, when our third living child was born, she was born with Down syndrome...and I was younger than 35. Seriously??? Do you know the statistics for a stillbirth and a kiddo with Downs in one family without a chromosomal issue??? About 1 in 10 billion. It figures! Through out the ups and downs, we made a conscience decision to know that God was in control and to enjoy the journey. Children make adults better people. We lose some of our selfish nature and tendency to "look out for number one"'s no longer about us. But a child with a disability? A new perspective. Having AnnCatherine in our family has immeasurably blessed us, and changed us. I can't imagine life without her. She has an amazing capacity to love, and has an incredible work ethic and determination. We should all be so determined! This year, my kids and I lobbied my husband for another dog. A puppy...we needed a puppy. John didn't think so...we know him though and if you work at it long enough, you can wear him down. We did. He did want a different breed...something that looked more "masculine." We heard his criteria and researched...we wanted a healthy dog. We chose a Frenchton, a hybrid between a French Bulldog and a Boston Terrier. Along came Henry. It took me about a week to figure it out, but I played arm-chair-veterinarian and determined that Henry is deaf. Really. In our conversations with the breeder (who has been breeding dogs for 10 years) she has never had a deaf dog. Really??? Doesn't it just figure that was the one we would choose. We sure couldn't plan for that event! So...we adapted...we don't return or get rid of people who are not "perfect"...and we don't return or get rid of animals for disabilities either. We researched training deaf dogs...we all learned some signs ( and we're training Henry. We laugh as we have adapted some of the signs and enjoy using them on each other. Henry??? He's a sweetie, and obviously was just what our family needed!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Daisy's Joy

I love dogs. I love their unadulterated thrill upon our return home. They are so excited to see us...whether we've been gone all day or just walked to the mailbox. Daisy...our MiniGoldendoodle really enjoys taking a bath. In our garden tub. I relaxes me too! A few weeks ago, I thought a bath would really help me feel better as I was feeling sick and yucky. So, I ran a bath and went to get more coffee. When I returned, Daisy was in the tub enjoying MY hot bath. Frankly, she looked irritated I was disturbing her. I could have gotten in the tub with her (YUCK) or gotten in when she got out (MORE YUCK) but instead I gave up and went back to bed. So, I was particularly happy when I ran another bath this week and BEAT her to the tub. SUCCESS! Her turn to be disappointed, she climbed up on the edge of the tub and watched with a sad look on her face...but didn't try to get in. She probably didn't want MY
dirty water! As I moved through the morning, I ran back to the bathroom for something and found her waiting in the tub...very hopeful I'd run her a bath. It didn't happen, but take a look! How can a face like that not brighten your day?